

How to take awesome over/under water images with your GoPro

What you will need

A GoPro and Dome port for a GoPro 5/6

If you have used a GoPro to take photos under water and you have tried to get the 50/50 split shot you would have noticed you can't do it with the GoPro by itself. What you also need to get, is one of these dome ports

GoPro Settings

It's very hard to take a photo at the right time if you are only using Single shot. I recommend using the following settings : 

  • Shooting Mode : Burst Mode 
  • Rate : 30/3
  • FOV : Wide

When you set the rate to 30/3 every time you take a photo, it takes 30 photos in 3 seconds which gives you more chance of catching the right moment. 

Another tip

If you are using the housing in a very humid area, to prevent it fogging up, I suggest you fill the housing with air from an air-conditioner when you put the GoPro in. AC air is dry and moister won't form inside. You can use the AC from a car or from a house. If you don't have access to AC, the best idea would be to keep the GoPro off as long as possible - when it's on, it heats up and causes moister to condense. 

This is the one I have and used to take these photos in Vietnam and California : 

Telesin 6" Dome Port for GoPro 5/6  *

That's it! Hope that is helpful to someone. 

As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions or you can also ask in the comments below.



Post written on 8th August 2018 in  Quang Ngai, Vietnam.



  • *It's an Amazon affiliate link so I do make a bit of commission should you buy it, but it doesn't cost you any more. 
  • *This post is not sponsored by Telesin or GoPro and I purchased both products myself