

#SevenSeries Project - Sunrise

Howzit guys,

In between my work photography I'm starting a few personal photography projects.

#SevenSeries is a one week themed photo project. The idea is to take a photo each day according to the theme. This weeks theme was 'Sunrise' and these are my seven favourite shots from the week.  Let me know in the comments below what you think and if you have any suggestions for a #SevenSeries theme. 



I took a 7km walk down towards Playa Grande (Big Beach), near Montezuma town early Monday morning. There were a few herons walking on the rocks by the ocean and I caught this one just as the sun caught its head and neck.


I woke up late this morning! Rushed out of bed, put some clothes on as fast as I could and went for a short walk around our house. We can’t see the actual sun rising from our house as we are quite deep in a forest, but we can definitely see the effects of the sunrise on the sky and trees around us. 


This morning I woke up and took a few shots around our house. I didn't really get anything I liked so I thought I would take the walk down to Montezuma Town and see what I could get down there. The road to Montezuma is very dusty, and if a car comes past its always followed by a huge cloud of dust. 

I noticed the sun shining between the trees and due to the dust, you could see these beautiful sun rays shining through. I waited for a motorcycle to drive past and took this shot. 


Around this part of Costa Rica (and possibly others), we have Howler Monkey’s living in the trees all over. They make this (quite scary) howling sound which sounds something like what you would imagine the monster that lives under your bed would make. I’ll post a video sometime of them too. 

I took this photo just outside our house with the golden light of the sunrise hitting the leaves.


Yesterday evening I went for a jog to explore a little around where we live. I found this spot just down the road from our house and you can actually see the sea over the forest. So this morning I thought I would go back to this spot to see what the sunrise looks from there. 

I set my camera up on a tripod and used the intervalometer on Magic Lantern to take this photo. 


So in this shot, I’m actually standing in almost the same place I was in yesterdays shot, but I took the camera down the hill to get a different perspective. 

I set the camera up on a tripod again and ran like mad to get to up the hill before the sun moved from the spot in the trees 


If you come into Montezuma town, just to the right of it, there is this pool of water on the beach. To be honest, the water doesn’t smell that great, but it makes a decent photo!

I walked down this morning and I was setting up my tripod to try a few photos when this lady walked across towards the bus stop. I wasn't really ready yet but I quickly took this photo anyway. I took a bunch more other photos on the beach after, but this turned out to be my favourite of the morning. 


Hope you enjoyed this weeks #sevenseries project! Any suggestions for a theme to use in the future?